I also have this never ending loading screen problem. It seems to appear at random times, but usually when entering a dungeon or leaving it.

I just want to let people know that I was able to continue from the never ending loading screen by pressing random keys on my keyboard. The game continued as soon as I hit the right key.

Today it happened after a "cutscene" was over and the game wanted to return the control to me. It was in the fjords of Oroba¨ in the Imp's Lair where I found one of the Gremory archeologists. There was a loading screen after having freed the archeologist and the game wouldn't continue from that screen until I hit the right key.

I think the right key was one of the number keys 1-9, or at least close by, asuming that it really is a specific key that will make the game continue.

So it seems like something in the game is waiting for a keypress... Maybe...

Well I hope that this will at least help a little bit.