Originally Posted by Snutze
Exactly ! the problem is not that its impossible to die its just that 1 shoting or 2 shotign monstrer of the same lvl doesnt feel right at all I was 100 % fine with the original values ... battle are just too fast ...

They are too fast in Ego Draconis if you max some of the better damage abilities. Maxed Magic Blast & Destruction take away enough of the final boss's HP so that a level 5 Explosive Arrow could finsh him on hard (at least that is what seemed to happen, the magic blast was the only thing that specifically targeted him and it did not kill him. I did not notice him after that so I assume an explosive arrow got him... either way said magic blast could one-hit him on easy). Similarly, he could nearly kill me in one melee attack (10 to 20% HP range), which is why I could not exactly follow the magic blast up with an exploding arrow immediately.

It seems +damage enchants have been boosted as well. It seems as though weapons have been made to be closer the most powerful spells for damage output... and said spells seemed too strong in Ego Draconis.

Last edited by Gwenio; 09/11/10 09:37 PM.