Originally Posted by AlaCarcuss
Originally Posted by Lar_q
Afaik, experiments done show that no copy protection is worse than having copy protection. Or am I wrong ?

You are wrong. All forms of DRM only hurt legitimate purchasers of your game - this thread should be evidence enough.

People that want to purchase your game will do so regardless, although many will either skip it or pirate it, if it has a particularly obnoxious form of DRM.

Conversley, the people that were going to pirate your game, also will do so regardless. All forms of DRM are cracked withing days of game release.

Therefor, the only thing you've achieved is forcing some people, that initially were prepared to purchase your game, to prirate it instead, due to obnoxious DRM.

You are biting the hand that feeds you. devil

Some developers/publishers, like CDPro Red, Stardock etc. are beginning to realise this and are acting accordingly by releaseing their games DRM free. They will however be value adding in some way and/or making it necessary to be a registerd user to download patches/updates/DLC etc... a much better way to go. up
I was going to say something similar during my arguments, but as I had already been accused of conducting an obnoxious witch-hunt after my first post, I didn't think anyone on here was ready to hear this. Regardless, you are entirely right! So, yeah, reward your customers Larian, don't punish them!

I would be more than happy having to download updates, patches etc, as a registered user than I would be having dodgy DRM clogging up my OS.

Last edited by 369; 03/12/10 01:12 PM.