Hi QuidProQuo,

During our X-mas break support was being handled outside Larian and apparently some of the support mails got lost.

While I don't know what happened to your message, as far as I know - Steam had a program in place for owners of Ego Draconis to replace their copy with The Dragon Knight Saga at a reduced price, and advertised it as such.

We've tried to be as clear as possible about the differences between FOV and DKS, so I'm sorry to hear that there still remains some confusion. On most digital stores both FOV and DKS are available (but not on Steam) and I guess not seeing both titles adds to the confusion, but there's little we can do about that.

Ideally we would make an official character exporter/importer for ED to DKS, the FOV part, but as we're still struggling with our schedules to release the FOV2DKS patch , I can't make any promises on that for the moment. But still, since we'd like to help you out, please contact support@larian.com again, and reference this thread.