Originally Posted by GabeN
Originally Posted by D00M
Please, please include local-co-op in Project E. There's no decent co-op RPG's out there frown


I don't want another catastrophy like that awful Beyond Divinity. I'd prefer there to be no co-operation in Larian games, neither single nor multi-player. Even in Divinity 2 mere summons annoy me more than they are worth (Minion ALWAYS goes in the door, making it impossible to go through and I have to send him back or hope he moves, wasting mana which on my Archer/Warrior mix is very slowly regenerating), and Larian doesn't care enough to make us able to go through minions, which would fix most of my problems.

I said include, not make it fully co-op. Not every RPG'er is a loner.

*** Stay put while I go search for a butterfly net. ***