Originally Posted by D00M
Does DragonAge II count as a hack an slash? laugh (played 10 mins of demo and deleted, good job EA)

I have to say you made a big mistake, really good game your missing out on.

Great news about funding! personally I can't wait for the next Larian game! Other than the Witcher I haven't got a clue when we will see another proper RPG, Deus Ex and so on all got the console treatment (FPS/H&S) so another game like Divinity will be something to truly look forward to!

Can't say I am surprised by the attitude you encountered, this has been a problem for years as they seek an ever increasing market and sadly the lowest common denomination is the most profitable one, many a game has been dumbed down to meet their criteria and we all suffer for it.
I hope that with your funding comes the freedom to realise your dream and not the "Mass Effect" requirement to dumb it down or restrict it.

Great to hear the news! Now I just have to hibernate till you release the titles smile