Hehehhe... could be. I think it's more like they want to see what Mommy & Daddy are talking about, because the children have gotten out of bed to 'spy' during our playing of games. Both of my children (well, I guess they're almost 'adolescent' now) ask constantly, "When can I play '__fill in the game__."

The games Hubby and I like the most, we quote lines from ("Show me your goods," from Gothic 3, "DIE!" from Diablo 2:LoD, and hashing out the story of the skeletons from Divinity... I try very hard to not get into Folo's pigs, but really? That's funny!), and this piques their interest all the more.

What would be nice is for each of us to have a computer, and each of us to have games that we can each own-- but that's just too much money! I have decided, though, that my son is now old enough to attempt Divinity (the first). He has been reading books like crazy lately, so I think he'll be able to follow a story-driven game, instead of just a hack-and-slash game. He memorizes 'maps' very, very quickly, so often becomes bored with most games. Yup, he's at the age that he can play it... but he's gonna have to earn the $5 or $10 that it costs.... I'm a mean Mommy, apparently, in that I preview things before allowing my children to have them, and they have to earn what they get! Not a traditional American parent, which I do hope turns out to be a good thing.

Anyway... can't we all just play games and not be bothered with responsibilities??? Oh, what a great fantasy that one is!


"I don't need to get a life. I'm a gamer, I have LOTS of lives!"