Originally Posted by ironcreed
I know I have mine pre-ordered. You rarely see deals like this anymore.

Just played the demo last night and you can clearly see how much Ego Draconis was cleaned up. Most notably in the framerate department, which was much smoother. Looking forward to playing through it yet again and cannot wait to finally play Flames of Vengeance. Thank you again for such an amazing deal on a fantastic game.

Yeah, the framerate utterly amazed me. And the graphics look much cleaner, especially the player's character model. I also like how the inventory system was cleaned up and looks better, although it feels claustrophobic now, that the screen spcae given to the actual inventory is so small compared to ED.

The only problem I had with it was how close the camera keeps to the player character, and the fact you're confined to attacking in the direction you're facing, instead of the ability to turn during attacks, like ED had. Though if the general difficulty was tamed in DKS, I guess that would make up for it, but it's still a massive culture shock of sorts.