Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by virumor

Since project E is going to be about the Divine *finally* smiting Damian, it seems right that this game is returning to its roots, i.e. be top-down/isometric again like the very first game in the saga.

"Because that's the way we did it in 2002" is a really dumb reason. I LIKE the way Divinity 2 looks.

Originally Posted by Demonic
The Blind Wise 800 year old man who you can restore the eye sight off calls your character immortal. He says you are blessed with immortality and wisdom to understand what the human eyes cannot if I recall correctly.

At least I recall this. Maybe he was calling dragons immortal but since a dragon knight is part dragon, perhaps they are immortal (as in never dying by old age) too. I also recall it being mentioned that a dragon knight can eventually become like a full dragon in power.

In any case, I think both The Divine and the Dragon Knight are immortal aren't they?

Dragon Knights are probably extremely long-lived if not immortal. They BECAME Dragon Knights by the blessing of Maxos and using his Dragon stone, but the Temple of Maxos has been closed for a LONG time, since before Maxos left Amdusias trapped there, and Laiken has ruled Maxos's battle tower for thousands of years, yet there were still Dragon Knights around.

Yep. My bad. Lord Lovis states that Dragon Knights live longer than humans and are more powerful and intelligent than them but he doesn't state that they are immortal as the dragons are. It's the blind philosopher who calls the dragons immortal but not the Dragon Knights.