Level - 44
HP: 1315
HP Regen: 2.07%
MP: 1010
MP Regen: 0.91%
Damage: 910-1438
Magic Damage: 460-560
Critical Rate: 82.50%
Weapon Resistance: 61.04%
Ranged Resistance: 55.24%
Magic Resistance: 64.14%
Vitality: 100
Spirit: 35
Strength: 100
Dexterity: 100
Intelligence: 85
Conditioned Body: 75%
Heightened Reflexes: 75%
Indomitable Will: 75%

Master Herbalist: 5/5
Mana Leech: 0/5 +5
Whirlwind: 1/5
Jump Attack: 0/5 +5
Fatality: 0/5 +5
Battle Rage: 15/15
Life Leech: 8/13 +5
Bleed: 12/15 +3
Regenerate: 15/15
Thousand Strikes: 15/15
Death Blow: 15/15
Reflect: 0/5 +5
Potion Efficiency: 7/10 +3
Evade: 0/5 +3
Mindread: 1/5 +3
Wisdom: 0/10 +5
Encumbrance: 1/5
Unarmed Expertise: 1/5
Single-Handed Weapon Expertise: 1/5
Dual-Wielding Expertise: 13/13
Sword and Shield Expertise: 1/5
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: 1/5

That about covers it. Would've been a LOT higher if I got the level 10 enchantments for increased weapon damage, critical rate, life line, and healing aura. If I got my hands on a few charms that'd take my spirit to 100, and I'd have some leftover charm slots for Spirit, which means if I got to 60, I'd be able to get to 100 in everything... but seeing how miniscule the spawn of enemies is, and how long it takes to level, I don't see that happening. xD