First of all a warm welcome to the forums wink

Well, when you dan read "increased dam by ..." then this means that weapon has a Enchantment . There're 10 diffent levels of increaded dam (from 1 to 10, 10 gives +100 dam)

You can disenchant each enchantment to learn it's Formula and put that enchantment on another favorite weapon .
But also for Armor & Yewellery excist different kind of enchamtments wink
Take a visit to all traders and look at all the gear and compare them ... you will discover many things you probably didn't know at the moment wink

Have you met 'Dreavan' ? If you do, he can (dis)enchant all kind of gear. But you can only use enchantments via learning the Formula's by :
1) disenchanting enchanted gear
2) buy a Formula
3) find a Formula

It's handy to keep a list of all the learned Enchantments smile

Good luck and I wish you big fun with this great awesome rpg !!

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !