Originally Posted by Lotrotk
Ok but surely every one on this forum has already bought some of these games right? For myself DKS retail and DD on gog. I don't want to buy them again.

I really love these games, but unfortunately, I can't afford to buy any games at the moment, never mind three I already own (and have bought two of those twice). I've bought Divine Divinity in the box, Beyiond Divinity and Divine Divinity on GoG, Ego Draconis in the box, and Dragon Knight Saga on Steam. I think buying 2 games twice is enough for me. I'd rather save mt money for a new game.

I am interested in knowing what was cut out of Divine Divinity 1. I did a Let's Play (see my signature) where I added extra details to flesh out the world and explain things that were subtle and not explicitly mentioned in the actual game. Anyone know if the extras in the anthology talk much about Divine Divinity 1?