Did anybody find this part of the update weird?

At this moment, you could decide that Roderick needs help from Scarlett, and switch to Scarlett. You could guide her out of the black cove, accross the beach, over the hills and into Cyseal. Then when she would get close enough to the fight, she would automatically become part of combat.Or, you could switch to Scarlett to continue exploring the cave.

While you switch to Scarlett and control her, Roderick and his combat will still be "paused in his turn", awaiting your commands.

Let's keep Roderick stuck in time for a while, and just keep on exploring.

Uh....time just freezes for one character and not the other? No wonder day and night were not planned for this game - time has no meaning in Original Sin!

I fully expected the second paragraph there to read, "while you switch to Scarlett and control her, Roderick is getting his ass handed to him because you left him alone in the middle of a fight."

I had a hard enough time getting on board with a turn-based game, where combat is like a separate mini-game where the rules of time don't apply and characters take turns like chess players.

But now logic is taking a really hard hit with this concept. It's cool splitting characters up and having them do their own thing, but it hurts my brain to have one of the characters (and his opponents) frozen in time while the rest of the game-world continues on.

How would there be any urgency to help a companion stuck in a fight, when you could just continue on doing your own thing while the other is indefinitely paused?