As time pass, I fear the million is out of reach.
I'm quite scared, because the million stretch goal is, imho, the most important one along with the second.
It might not look like it is, but everything which benefit to the depth of the gameplay will benefit to the editor, and I believe the editor will keep the game and its community alive, on the long run.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love the other stretch goals to be part of the product, but I don't think they're a priority, especially the homestead.
Has Larian thought about delaying the countdown if they're not getting the million ?
On a side note, I didn't read anything about it, so I'm asking the question : Will the physical tiers be shipped in the English version or the localized one, according to your country ? It might sounds dumb to ask and it'll probably be asked when it'll come to ship it, but who know, Kickstarter being an american platform, it's not so stupid.