Ha, if you have such a low opinion of video games that you can't even conceive a "Sleepless in Seattle" then why do you even want other people to play them? grin
Sure, we should aspire to something better than Transformers 2, but making "good" or "mature" the standard of every game is sadly unrealistic and is definitely not the same standards of other arts, Hollywood is far from a Citizen Kane factory and nobody is questioning the status of movies as an art, most movies are bad (or at least not good) and, again, the same rule applies to music and books, good movies are hard to make and appealing to the lowest common denominator is always a safe bet, comparing the numbers of good movies against all the bad ones is a pretty depressing exercise. What i find really hard to accept is the notion of most people ignoring any possibility of a good movie just because of that or that the few people who does are relevant in any way. Again, why do we want someone who is so quick to judge an entire medium in the first place?