I just wanted to add that people highlighting the negative aspects of early access are contributing really valuable things to this dialogue. While I think that some of the issues surrounding SEA can be a bit exaggerated, I'm really glad that people are agitating for change and consumer empowerment. I especialy liked Kamatsu's 'devil's advocate' post in the worst thread.

To be honest, I don't think Swen's blog really did justice to the nuance of Kamatsu's view and OP, after all it was written with the developer's perspective primarily in mind. A pros and cons from the consumer's pov would look very different, with a weightier cons. For example, I get the impression that valve isn't making much of an effort to make things especially clear and obvious for their SEA customers because it would harm their profits to do so.

With all of these perspectives we can approach something resembling the whole picture.

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig