This is my first post for Divinity Original Sin and it's 4am in the morning as I post this so if their is any spelling mistakes it due to being tired.

Anyway so I'm not sure if these bugs have already been reported or not, but I'll just go ahead and report them incase.

Bug 1: When using Phoenix Dive you can by pass lock doors with it. So if you can't pick that lock, just teleport on the other side. Sure surprised the wife in the mayor's house when i flamed teleported in knocking her and the bath tub back on the re-entry. end result was hitting her with giant two handed weapon.

So i don't think the ability was ment to be use that way.

Bug 2: When entering a place the rewards you experience for exploring you can get it over and over again. You just sit there and run around in the same location and it will keep giving you EXP. Though it stop sorta if you got into character inventory, but all you have to do is exit and re-enter to restart it back up.

Bug 3: This is just a minor issue, when you enter trade on a NPC you can't scroll one your back in the dialog box. This can be fixed if you click on any of the subjects there is to talk about. So nothing that can't be worked around.

Well this is about all i can think of at the moment, if i run into any other bugs I'll make sure to post them.

Now time for some sleep.