Originally Posted by Cromcrom
Beware my perverted mind... Are you saying that basic fights are boring in DOS, and only interactions with environment make it interesting ? This is serious accusation...
(well, erm, that is what I think, but well...)

No, I do not say that only the interaction with the environment makes the fights interesting^^... However, it IS one of the components of the combat system. (I usually tend to use the environment quite a lot - in a suicidal manner I always leave Cyseal at level 2 with just Madora as a companion) An other aspect is also a careful placement of enemies (group size, enemy kinds and so on... for example undead mages are always at the back of the enemy group if you go through Cyseal gates) Can the enemies be placed via a random generator so that the fights are still strategic without becoming too repetitive? I am not quite sure about it... However, I do not have much experience with modding, so please, correct me if I am wrong...