For some reason each time I attempt to venture beyond the northern walls the game crashes on the main path going west. However, this did not occur the first time I ventured to this area, rather, after I had dispatched the skeleton mage, skeleton archer, and their group of undead boars. After I had finished that particular battle, I had to go back to town to get more res scrolls and healing potions.

I decided to complete the Sailor Quest, and also progressed in the Staff quest to the point of speaking to Captain Conrad. I ventured up and down the coast, looting the dead corpses on the beach looking for the theif who I was told would be finding a ship to disembark somewhere on the beach.

I decided thereafter to navigate back to the northern section of the map beyond the city walls, which is when the game started crashing every time I hit the main path north of the walls going west. I cannot now travel west using the northern paths beyond the city walls.