I must agree with Mikus on this. I suggested something a lot similar some weeks ago and I still think it would be nice to have a toolbar that worked the way it does now but also having the option to use stacks of skills categories, weapons, potions, consumables, etc in a completely transparent way. Just right click over any slot and things similar to the one being clicked would show up in a stack.

You know, the idea isn't exactly original: Divinity 1 had it's toolbar interface based on stacks and I loved being able to select through numerous potions, weapons and skill with a single left click. Apple's OSX has had the stack feature incorporated to the Dock for many years and a lot of people love it and are used to this behavior already.

But we could ask: is it something absolutely necessary for OSX to have stacks? Hell, no! One could always open Finder, look for the folder they want and then look again for the specific app/doc needeed. Of course we can struggle through that. We could even drag and drop all our docs and apps to the Dock, making it utterly clutered. But hey, isn't it much more enjoyable to have a few folder stacks organizing and giving easy access to ours things? With that in mind, is it really so absurd to expect something like this in a game with dozens if not hundreds of skills, itens and consumables? If Divinity 1 had something like that, why can't Larian's latest and best have it too?

@ Stabbey: I'm no developer myself... I'm just an average gamer who loves Larian and the Divinity games just like many other people in this forum. I'm here willingly spending a bit of my free time to simply suggest - not ask, nor request - something that IMHO could improve the game's interface. And so is Mikus I believe, who by the way is doing a great work compiling and presenting all these suggestions.
I have no idea how much time and work the things we are suggesting here would need to be implemented, but even if that's a lot I believe it is up to the DEVELOPERS to decide what is necessary and what isn't. Not us, not YOU.
No offense meant, ok? hehe