Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by thorska

Then leave requirements as they are now and add some bonus to skills from the ability levels.
add xx% to effects
reduce AP costs
reduce cooldowns

I like that Maybe something like:

Rank 1: Max 3 Skills (Minimum to learn a school)
Rank 2: Max 5 Skills, 10% reduced cooldown (minimum 1)
Rank 3: Max 7 Skills, -1 AP cost
Rank 4: Max 9 Skills, additional 10% reduced cooldown
Rank 5: Unlimited Skills, additional -1 AP cost

The reduced cooldown would only be one or two turns each, depending on how large the base cooldown is.

The idea of having to keep a library of skillbooks in your inventory seems a bit unwieldy to me.

What if instead of getting a skillbook back when you switch skills, the Skills interface is changed slightly to add indications (greying out?) of what skills are in your deck. From there you could choose to activate and deactivate skills from the skills menu without having to use books.

The only drawback I can see is that you won't be able to swap unlearned skillbooks to other party members, but since you couldn't do that before with learned skills, and that would mean losing it anyway, I don't think people will notice or mind much.

Mockup of idea:

[Linked Image]

(This image was made before the patch, which is why it's off.)

I love that idea the cooldown reduction! would greatly improve my water healer! I could see it also helping many others with utility skills.