Personally, I think there are better ways to balance it than a system which has fairly arbitrary and certainly confusing rules about changing skills. What do you even mean by "2 skill changes allowed. single change"? "5 skill changes allowed. single change"

As in one time and one time only (barring increasing the ability), you can change up to two skills?

EDIT: No, wait, is the idea that you can change one skill and one skill only up to 5 times?

It just seems to be very inflexible, which seems to be going against the intent of the changes made in this version.

I disagree that your method is the best or only way to balance the system. It is way, way too restrictive. It's more of an intent to punish players than to balance the game. I'd much prefer the old system to it.

Last edited by Stabbey; 21/05/14 01:43 AM. Reason: stuff