I dont care gyson, whatever. I had enough of your writing and opinions of what you think i think.
Just hop off to some other thread and tell them what they are thinking and how wrong is that or your ideas about whatever.

or rather, go and admit yourself to some institution. And take Stabbey with you.

Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Hiver

There is nothing "rude" in calling something badly written - badly written Stabbs.
But there is something rude in calling things that are not rude - rude.

He was posting a paraphrase and his own personal interpretation of the conversation. He was not suggesting or demanding Larian write the dialogue exactly like that.

And you are assuming i was thinking he did?
No wonder youre on the same brainwaves.

Paranoia and constant ridiculous accusations the second someone says some of your ideas is not good. Or BAAAAD.

Its BAD, his paraphrase is BAD, his "interpretation" is BAD, his other suggestion even WORSE. Cheap, superficial, overblown empty schlock.

All of your posts in this thread are laughably bad.
And thats not me being "rude" - its just true.
You tell me i should understand something while you are rude and constantly belittling me... by accusing me of those same things you are doing and inventing my secret motivations - because i said something is BAD?

Thats an actual psychological issue.
Go and treat yourself in some institution. Together. You may get a discount or something.



Anyway,... other smaller stuff:

It would be nice and a bit useful if there were some steps down on the right side from the Esmeralda house entrance. So my team can get to the doors quicker when coming from the eastern side, instead of going around through the market.

Purely cosmetics. I dont think the team needs to waste time on it but i just think that architecturally... it would be appropriate.

I just had to say it.


After talking to Esmeralda about all the clues and she revealing info about Evelyn, when that whole thing is finished, the dialogue loops back to two sentences i had at the very start. One of them is "Who are you again?" and one more i just blocked out from memory. :P

It just looks like you never actually talked to that person.
which is pretty much how that looks with any other NPC. It would be really nice if the previously selected dialogue lines were either removed or at least grayed out.


Whats with all the crabs and those sprays of water they are doing?
That "move" is huge and it barely causes any damage, which just makes it seem ... bad. It looks like they are vomiting huge amounts of water...

Maybe... they could be made to look a bit meaner and maybe adjust those water sprays to be smaller?
Have you ever seen a water metal cutter? The stream is very small, thin - but under high pressure.

It could look like some watery laser beam. (as in actual continuous beam)


Those cloth hats look really horrible on characters. Im sure youve seen this mentioned a lot of times so far. Its not just because they remove the hair from the character so everyone look bold under it but because it looks like a... pot, on someones head. (like a chamber pot..?)

Either replace those with those elvish looking leather helmets of lower quality or redesign that model. Please. Even that model only with a neck covering part added would look less horrible.


Star - Blood stones are too black and colorless when spent. Some red drop shadow effect around the edges would make them more noticeable against the backgrounds, adding a bit of ominous feel to them as a consequence of previous tempering.