Originally Posted by Gyson

I only want to be able to make an informed decision about whether it's only a matter of delaying my playthrough for a few weeks to wait for a specific delayed feature, or to just go ahead and start playing on the 30th (because the delay might be months instead).

This. Personally I've just seen some talk (and speculation) on forums about things needing to be patched in and without details it's impossible to know if any of these things would matter enough to me personally to make me wait.

I would have been clearer if I'd said "Fortunately I'm the patient type (well fortunately for me) and I don't mind waiting however long it takes for the game to get all the features I want that are currently in production."

Can someone clarify if there are already 3 AI personalities in the game? I was under the impression that there was only the random one which doesn't appeal to me. The personalities are the only thing I'm aware of that would cause me to wait apart from my usual personally conservative approach to playing newly released games. I'd play it if there are already the 3 to choose from though I'd like to echo Stabbey in requesting more for the future if possible. To me they are one of the best features of the game and a highlight of the awesome and unique dialogue system.

A few extra companions being added later would only enhance a second playthrough and I'm not at all bothered by those. Are there any other significant delayed features or is it just the AI personalities and a couple more companions?


Personally, I am tremendously impressed by what Original Sin has become and consider it a very rich game. Really, games can't ever be literally full as you can always keep adding to them. That's especially so for RPGs and part of their beauty and charm. To read Swen talk about the potential for Original Sin to be continually enhanced with extras, expansions, mods and so on makes me more excited than I can allow myself to feel.

Thank you so much Swen and all the Larian team for this very special game!!! It looks so good that I'd be surprised if many people focus on the little that has been delayed. From what I can tell people are chomping at the bit to play the thing. I wish you all the best for a release that fulfils all our hopes and dreams thankyou cheer

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig