I just want to say that this game is awesome. I have been looking forward to it for a long time and the release version is more than I had hoped for!

With that out of the way: I'm completely stuck at the "end fight" against Braccus.

So I enter his chamber (tried luring him away into other places as well, with varying but equally disastrous results), and go through the dialogue.
After that he one-shots pretty much my entire party, and those that are left standing get finished by the Twins and/or the Lighthouse Thing.

There's practically no info on this anywhere, but what I have read it's pretty much "freeze this, freeze that" and "let the fire elemental tank" etc.

So I'm currently level 9 (everyone in my party is) and there are absolutely no more places I can level anymore - I can't even get out of Cyceal without finishing this fight.
I play a fire/earth mage and a fighter, with the usual companions (Jahan and Madora).
Jahan has all the crowd control spells I could find (but no Ice Wall, because I haven't even seen that spell anywhere, ever) and we have enough immune and resist scrolls/potions/spells to inoculate the whole damn world.
I have tried gearing for resistance as much as possible, but that didn't seem to make much difference.

And all that doesn't really do much good anyway when you get one-shot at the start of the fight. Even if I stay alive enough through the first round (a rarity) they pull their one-trick thing time and again, or otherwise just whittle me down with devastating elemental attacks, crippling, stunning and all that fun stuff.

So I'm wondering if I actually have to start the game completely over again, because it requires some set combination of player classes, talents and abilities?
Is there something I have missed? Can I level a bit elsewhere? Is there some required spell/gear/ability (which would suck even more, since there's nothing more to be found or bought anywhere)?

Kindly asking for help, me smile

By the way, trolls that feel the need to validate their toxic existence by stating I need to "play better", "for me it was really easy lol" or "filthy casual I hope you die lol!!1!1" need not apply. "Lower the difficulty" would just be more of the same (and the game itself does a pretty good job of that on its own, anyway).
I don't see becoming more "hardcore" will solve this issue.

Thanks in advance!

Homo homini lupus est