Strange post from the OP. It seems like you haven't take the time to understand the game mechanics.
The first time I played, I had very bad fights and I was crushed by AI. But I took time to read the tooltips and to find fights that are the same lvl as me.

Having played 44hours now, I have yet to find the AI to "cheat". It will "cheat" if you try to fight a monster 2 or 3 level higher than you, which really by reading your post - it seems like this is what you are doing. Perhaps the game fail to show you correctly that a higher monster level is a big difference.

This game is really not like Diablo where you can turn your brain off. You need to read and think of what you do.

For the missclick where your char move isntead of attacking - I admit this is annoying. You need to quicksave (F5 key) often. Sad really for a turn base game. But avoidable.

My first 3 hours of the game I was not really happy with the game. But after a while the game kicks ass.

Last edited by Etdashou; 04/07/14 05:15 PM.