i did the orc beach at lvl 6 i believe. probably late 6 early 7. as well as black cove.

have you done the north cave? or the element puzzle? is your murder investigation progressed to a point you cant keep going with it without going to where you are dieing? have you done to elf orc blood fued? thats an easy one to miss. also the underground is pretty easy to miss as well. dig up the grave yard if you havent done it. or find a certain well.

there is ALOT of stuff to do in cyseal. go everywhere. you can also break down afew ppls doors without them ever knowing so you know. and you get exp in most of them.

edit: also just a thought. how is your gear? if your alittle under geared that early on it can make a pretty big difference.

Last edited by JasperFoust; 07/07/14 05:13 AM.