Originally Posted by Goldseeker
I'm actually thinking about making mod with identify all and repair all stuff, if it possible in current editor

That would be nice. Thats what mods are for, among other things.

Originally Posted by Areason
I agree with pretty much every suggestion except the "identify all" - because it takes away the supprise effect when identifying a new item.

Surprise effect?

Technically speaking, isnt the surprise effect the same whether you identify one item or a whole batch?

Originally Posted by Areason

What i dont understand is Hiver seems like he simply wants to be against the OPs suggestions for some odd reason.

And you get to that conclusion because you dont understand? Logic based on ignorance?

Originally Posted by Areason

Completely disagree.

I completely disagree with that.

Whatcha gonna do now, eh?

Im not sure does it serve any purpose to explain my reasoning AGAIN, because obviously some people simply dont read any of it and some arent capable of understanding even the simplest sentences.

But, not to get lost in this rabbit hole of quotes of devolved, inane, incoherent limited minds...

The whole story goes like this:

The issue whether to identify all or repair all touches significantly on the games treatment of characters as clearly delineated individuals.

I do like that in this game each character is an individual and that their mechanics display this and reinforce this directly. One of the ways they do so is through separate inventories and by having all of them have separate items and separate money.

I find that great. I missed it a lot over the years where all games were forced into the samey same mish mash of mass market features of ease of use for morons.

I love the fact that any character has his own money, and that i have to actually give him an item to identify or repair.

That strengthens the individuality of them. From the inside of the game, internally. Its an internal consistence and coherence effect. Therefore it is good for the whole of the game. It may be a seemingly small feature but the game is a whole made out of such small parts.

Affect and change the parts - you affect and change the whole gestalt.

SECONDLY - these things are made such as they are because of co-op gameplay, where each character is actually a different INDIVIDUAL PLAYER, so no... you cant just automate everything and push everything into some blender of features for your own selfish "ease of use" of things that are not actually tedious or clunky, regardless of what personal dislike you may have because you are A DRONE.

Hope this helps.

Additionally, there are much more actual game enhancing suggestions to make about the whole system of durability and repair, as well as importance of Loremaster skill and identification of items.

For example, durability has been made a complete non issue in the few last versions of beta - for some reason - which makes repair a superficial gimmick.

The devs even added UNBREAKABLE items - all to stop one segment of players from CRYING about their self entitlement issues. And the made items repairable even when they completely break down - and repairable with minimal skill in crafting or blacksmith - ON TOP OF THAT.

I would rather bring back the durability mechanics as they were - which would make the whole Loot system much more important again!
And make Blacksmith - Crafting skills more valuable then they are now. Because as they are now, you may as well remove them completely!

As for identification - the whole thing was already heavily streamlined!

You never ever find any item that you cannot identify with 2 points in Loremaster in the whole Cysael anymore! Blue, green or yellow - it doesnt matter! Your beginner character can identify all of them! So you dont have to pay for identification to anyone! Or search for NPCs with higher Loremaster skills then yours! The game even nicely gives you items that boost your loremaster skill along with other ones - just so some players wouldnt start crying how something is "clunky" or "tedious" or difficult. Or harkens back to "nostalgia" and other such stupid, idiotic, retarded strawmans, arguments from ignorance and other assorted empty fallacies.

And all that streamlining isnt enough.

It will never be enough because there is no end to that non-logic nonsense.