Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon

Well the companions seem to be on track to be placed in the game soon. The character traits are in the AI personalities have been patched in a couple days ago and I'm keeping faith the lair will be added as well sooner rather than later....unless I'm missing something about them saying it's been scrapped. At the moment I don't mind these delays, they have been busy furiously patching things really fast, which is great.

You'll be waiting for a long time for that ~10 levels Phantom Lair, based on the latest information from Larian in response to an inquiry last week. See this thread, Lar_q's answer about halfway down .

Basically, large parts of the end content already in the game is content that was originally designed for the Phantom Lair, which was instead split up into separate areas, with remaining parts of the Phantom Lair in whichever state of completion discarded, in favour of spending development resources on areas of the game they considered of higher priority.

Somehow Larian thought this was a good idea to do based on their development situation (and I'm certainly not going to argue against that decision) and at the same time didn't consider it important enough to communicate to their backers at release that a megadungeon that featured prominently in the kickstarter and had a kickstarter update dedicated to it was cut with resources spent otherwise (which failure of communication I really don't understand).

When I said death before dishonour, I meant it alphabetically.