Originally Posted by MrGrim
Originally Posted by gastovski
Originally Posted by Vayra
Sorry, this is not game-breaking, don't make such pretentious topic titles.

Nor does this warrant the use of CAPS in any way. You have an opinion on Skill books, some are not available, live and learn, shit happens, Hit the New Game button.

Problem solved.

Get out of here.

he is right tho. it is not in any way breaking the games progress.

No he's not. He has a different opinion and like anything subjective there is no wrong or right per se.

Just because he, and you by the sounds, are happy with something doesn't make you inherently correct or your opinion more worthy.

The fact that many people don't like a particular feature, for a variety or reasons, means the developers can be aware of something that affects their bottom line; sales.

So if you think about it logically - if there was a market for this game of two people - one that didn't particularly care about how skill books affects their time in the game and one that hates them. If the developers don't listen and consider the market opinion then they will sell one copy. IF they make a minor change and fix issues with skill books (better yet get rid of them IMHO) then they sell two.

First guy still happy and the other guy is happy; win win.

Admittedly this is an exaggerated example but the logic still applies. If skill books were NOT in the game no one would miss them; they're extraneous to the core of the game. Like cheese, if you will. It's just adding flavour, something slightly different to make the game more of challenge and interesting. Who knows what they were thinking. For a lot of people, and different reasons, they make the game annoying and are not adding anything to it for THEM.

If someone thinks an issue is game breaking then it is for them. I don't think skill books are game breaking. I'd probably be less inclined to buy a sequel that had the same system though. But I'm not going to tell people they haven't got a right to feel strongly about something that annoys them.