[color:"orange"]it seemed to send me to the cellar and then my char started runnin back toward my original save point[/color]

Your character should not have been automatically running anywhere. You should have seen the graveyard as the game was loading, then been in the cellar when it finished. I've tried hex editing into a few places, and never had my character start running anywhere.

[color:"orange"]did u perhaps make a typo on the xy positions[/color]

No; while technically not impossible, they are correct in this case.

[color:"orange"]could u give me some insight on how i maybe able to fix this problem[/color]

Replace the edited data.000 file with the original or its backup, and edit it again. You are on the same map, so you should only have to change the first instance of the X and Y coordinates.
EDIT: if you were running when you saved the game, try loading it and save while standing still. Maybe the game had already figured out the coordinates where your next step would take you.

Last edited by Raze; 14/02/04 09:16 AM.