I thought about it and then it occurred to me:
I suppose a thingy that modifies the original campaign, like a Divinity version of Devious Devices, or maybe "horse armor", I reckon it might not be a good idea to charge people for that.
Maybe the Larian people would be cool about getting a percentage out of the sales, and also if it passes some kind of "Larian Seal of Approval" quality test. Like, what if a team, through some miraculous process, creates a good standalone campaign or something along those lines? Like Blood Dragon good.
I mean, I suppose a thingy that modifies the original campaign, like a Divinity version of Devious Devices, or maybe "horse armor", I reckon it might not be a good idea to charge people for that. Full campaigns, though, could be a different story.
Last edited by SlimJims; 23/07/14 08:22 PM.