Hi all,

My art book arrived today (I live in California). Wanted to share in case others are waiting on theirs. Word of warning - Larian are shipping them in essentially paper envelopes, so damage is likely. My has some pretty bruised corners and dents along the edges. It's kinda crappy looking, so I might just flog it on eBay. I am very compulsive about stuff like this, so hopefully it'll make someone else happier!

Included some pics.





As a side, I totally understand why Larian are not gonna do any more physical rewards. Makes me sad, as I'm an old school Origin Systems kinda-guy, but the goodies for D:OS have been a little rubbishy. I don't regret my $150 pledge as the game is fantastic, but I do hope that InXile and Obsidian are able to pull off the physical stuff a little more effectively.

The Dude abides.