I write this post to let u know my opinion.I a a real fan of diviniy nd i think he divinity original sin is the best experiment in last years.I bought it on february when was expected to be released and i was very happy of the game i played all i could making all quests and i can surely say IT WAS THE BEST RPG EVER,the cooperative decisions is the best innovation in rpg history..Then release after release the game has been changed in a lot of rules that ruined it:points allocation,talents/feats cancelled(all the bestones),level cap(like a boring wow) for everything and last of all summon limit!i played more tha 2h to learn 2 summons and then i saw wasn't able to control them both!inprevious release limit was 4 and the game was enough difficult the i don't think this limit of 4 would make it too easy.what i canot understand is why u had the best rpg ever and transformed it in a good rpg that is still lesss funny than his previous release?the game is anyway very good but ery far from early access.I HOPE LARIAN READS THIS.evry other opinion will be accepted and respected but please no offences/trolling i am not attacking larian i am letting them know my opinion for next updates/games.