Originally Posted by Nevenor
I don't want to sound annoying but I need help with editor as it doesn't work for me.
Diarymoose, can you reply? Please let me know if you need more info / I should write a PM / anything else, just don't ignore my 3rd message please. (It's looks really weird for me when messages above or below get their attention and my message is like non-existent.)
Sorry for bothering.
("description of the problem")
I select a path to my PlayerProfiles and GameData folders, press load and nothing happens. Also I'm running a non-steam version of the game.

Make sure you have selected the correct folder for the "PlayerProfiles folder". The folder should be named "PlayerProfiles" (i.e., NOT named "Dairymoose" if you had a game profile called Dairymoose). The load button will not do anything unless you have selected an existing save in the list. It is unlikely but possible that it is having trouble reading the playerProfiles.lsb or the meta.lsb files in the individual folders... but I doubt it. More likely you have the wrong folder selected.

Last edited by Dairymoose; 06/08/14 01:18 PM.