Originally Posted by ivra
To me the discussion in this thread only makes some kind of sense to me if tx3000 is taking about MaxInnateChanceToHit, while the rest of you are talking about ActualChanceToHitTarget.

Good observation. I think you're exactly right. I think I might have mentioned that (less clearly than you) in one of my post, but at this point I can't really remember.

I have a feeling tx3000 is fighting against creatures a couple levels higher than him, and possibly playing on hard mode. Assuming that's the case (since he didn't answer my questions), his MaxInnate is actually around 80-90% with Dex 11, and its being reduced ~10% per dexterity increase of the creatures above him, and 10% for the hard difficulty setting. That would put his ActualChance at around 49%, so I think that all makes sense.

Since dex increases a creatures/players defense rating, and that reduces ActualChance, it makes sense that more dextrous creatures are harder to hit (eg Immaculate archers and assassins), and that's something I've oberserved as well. And it wouldn't surprise me if tx3000 was using the worst case example.

Also, another possibility: tx3000 is mistaking his Offensive Rating for an Offensive Percentage. But even if that was the case, there's no way his Offensive Rating would show 49 with dex 11 and a bow equipped. Which leads to yet another question: has he actually equipped a bow?? Since he talks about special ammo damage, we could assume so.... but since he also thinks that dex goes into Offensive Rating, while str does not, it's entirely possible he looked at his Offensive "Percentage" without a bow equipped and got frustrated.

Now the (un-tx3000-related) question that still remains for me is: does the level of the creature ITSELF reduce ActualChance to hit, apart from an expected increase in dex as creatures "level"? I think it does, but haven't really confirmed that.