Originally Posted by tx3000
People saying that they want MORE companions/Henchmen with stories added to the game IS STILL ASKING FOR COMPANIONS/HENCHMEN TO BE ADDED TO THE GAME.

Adding story to them doesn't change what people are asking for.

And BTW Madora and Jahan don't have story-lines and the only different between them and what's available at the hall of heroes is they're available earlier.. Other than that they're the same exact thing that are found in the Hall Of heroes.

Madora and Jahan DO have storylines. And they DO comment on your in-game actions. And they DO talk to your main characters so that you have to decide whether to agree or disagree with them.

But even if you do not see the difference between companions and henchmen and do not think it is that important: Some others do see this difference and deem it as very important.

Edit: Back to topic. Raze mentioned that a very big update is upcoming. It will be probably released this week. AFAIK it should contain changes to co-op dialogs. Let's hope that some new companions will be added as well.

Last edited by Elwyn; 17/08/14 07:27 PM.