Originally Posted by henryv
I see what you mean. I think that "he" apologized to pinsof on whatever "he" have done. "He" didn't know that pinsof's career has been destroyed because of "his" act. I just didn't save that specific tweet on my file so I can't present you any evidence.

By that I take it you mean Pinsof's former employer apologised? It's so hard to keep track sometimes... I think all three people involved need to do some apologising, the woman who tried the donation scam, Pinsof and his employer, but that situation has really developed a life of its own and I'm aware of the risk of making it somehow emblematic of GamerGate since it's a rather tangential issue at best, in spite of my feelings about it being an example.

Originally Posted by henryv
I somewhat agree with you that it has been hijacked/misrepresented into oblivion, but current discussion tells me that gamers supporting Gamergate are now keeping their heads into discussing the corruption/bad journalism issue or keeping themselves on track. The one oblivious to being a gamer, who doesn't even game at all, are somewhat brought up by the main stream media, and it changed the priorities for a little while.

This seems not an unreasonable conclusion: given the very high media profile of GamerGate, and much of it not very flattering, I suspect most people are now aware that they really need to ensure their behaviour is spotless. I've little doubt that there'll still be hot-heads and troglodytes aligned with it, as there always is with anything, but hopefully not enough to keep on derailing what is actually quite a serious matter with the usual sensationalised reporting which handily misses the point...

J'aime le fromage.