Originally Posted by Madscientist

Well, I AM a scientist after all. I judge all information regarding significance and reliability and it seems strange that somebody says such thing about his own game.

The world (and especially the internet) is full of useless information. If you look long enough you will find evidence that Elvis is the president of the USA, earth is cube shaped, there is an alien invasion on friday and we are all being mind controlled by the illuminati.

Donï½´t get me wrong. I have no reason to assume that you say something wrong. Its just my habit as scientist to try to confirm everything I see.

You don't need to explain yourself, I understand perfectly well :p And the thing I said does sound quite absurd, doesn't it? Making a stretch goal to have a stronghold, while knowing the information he knew, then making it as boring and useless as possible because of the previous knowledge is quite labyrinthine logic and still doesn't make sense :p