Originally Posted by Lacrymas
Originally Posted by LordCrash
Originally Posted by Lacrymas
Professional music is called the music that is composed with modern academic technique.

And that means?

Music that implies advanced structural and theoretical considerations and a written musical tradition. Unless I'm not understanding your question?

I do not care what theoritical considerations and written musical tradition a composer has. My main goal is to enjoy the game. Music is one of many things that create a good atmoshere that fits to the things happening in the game.

I do not know much about professional composers, but I can tell you my personal taste:

- The music in PoE was not impressive. I finished the game twice, but I do not remember any of it 1 sec after I stop playing.

- Gothic1+2 and Risen1 were some of my favourite games. But I do not remember the music so well because I played them a long time ago.

- There are 2 games where I remember the music after a very long time:
+ beyond good and evil. I was the only sountrack I downloaded on gog and I listen to it often. "Dance with the Domz" is my favourite. But I do not think this type of music fits to D:OS2.
+ Realms of arcadia3: I made a save in the mage tower in the swamp so I can listen to the music whenever I want. I have no idea what they are singing (is it latin?) but it sound fantastic.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: