So we all have this picture in our head of what we want this game to be. We have played Original Sin and seen what they've done with the EE (for free!!), and now our brains are running wild, thinking if they can make competitive question maybe they can make... Yeah, here it stops because the rational part of our brains kicks in and sets us straight.

But let's pretend that ours craziest dreams could become a reality? What would you want this game to do?

Here is mine:
Destructible environment with physics and realistic npc reactions. So not only is ash and dust flying everywhere when you throw a fireball, but bricks and tiles too. Wall crumble as the fire spreads and npcs run screaming after buckets of water. Three houses burned down after one of the worlds most powerful sourcers released his wrath on the town. But all hope is not lost for the unfortunate families of these houses.. This is a tightknit community... A week later the everyone is fast at work rebuilding the houses.

Let your dreams fly free!

Last edited by Tiggerdyret; 05/10/15 07:34 PM.