Back to SP in DOS2 now though, guys? I think the definition of RPGs is a topic for another thread if there is really something left to discuss on the topic...
How can we even discuss SP when we aren't even clear on what an RPG is? I didn't think this was so hard or so confusing. You don't say why you don't agree with me, you just say "just cuz", that's not an argument. I back up my arguments with logic, history and sources, not wishful thinking :p We have to get at the bottom of this, otherwise all discussion regarding RPGs is moot. D:OS is an RPG. Why? Because of menu-driven combat. Fallout 3 isn't an RPG. Why? Because you control the actions of the character directly. Simple. Effective. Clear. I guess the confusion comes from the fusion of genres? Genres like Action-RPGs and Action games with RPG elements exist for a reason. It's not because people were confused and were simply drooling on their keyboard, somehow managing to form words. There are even books published about game genres and game design, so that would've been a lot of drool :p