Originally Posted by Daelus1
I played on normal the first time and thought at the Watchful Eyes I was doing something wrong as I got spammed each time. Tactician was my next playthrough and summoned Nick way out in front to get blown up.....that is beyond ridiculous.....like 99 perception!!!

Yeah, I think this is sort of ridiculous though. Bad design if you ask me.

Also, I'm at the first garden and I see this huge titan! Leandra's portal? I'm not sure how to respond so I immediately loaded back to before.

Is it SAFE to answer? He is asking some sort of pseudo riddle/taunt.

I just don't want to die, and after seeing that other guy on the PS4 / Honor instantly die due to a bug on Leandra....

Anyways, it might just be the usual "answer anything" and you'll get past the leandra's portal but I'm really scared so I decided to wait for an answer here first.

What do I have to do?