I have an issue with Co-oP on PS4 port.

Whenever I bring in my friend to play co-op with me the moment they take control of one the characters, their stats drop to level 1 stats, 5 str, 5 int, etc etc. On both the main they are controlling and its minion. The level seem to just default and reset. They have their hotkey bar filled but it'll cost crazy amounts of AP to use a skill since they have not leveled any of their skills, they have no points to spend, even though right now our characters are level 17, it costs like 15 AP for flurry lol. The huge issue this creates is the domino effect, that now they don't have enough str. to hold their weapons or armor, so under their control the character is naked pretty much lol, even visually, not wearing any gear on their screen. In their inventory they are wearing gear, but all of it says they don't have enough of a certain stat to hold it. The moment I assign the character back into my control, I have no issues at all as player #1 and can never recreate the effects he describes, it's only isolated to the additional player and never seems to affect the main player.

Usually we have been able to resolve this by my friend logging out, closing the app, reopening and joining again. However, lately the problem has been far more rampant and common. It now happens EVERY TIME he joins (seems to be timed with the latest update that fixed the Luculla forest save crash), last night was the last straw since even closing the app didn't fix it after rebooting it back up 3x in a row. Not sure if zone has anything to do with it but we're in Dark Forest area, just started. But now the game is benched until we can play together again. The only reason we played it was for co-op frown. Please let me know if this is a known issue, if it's not I have pictures to share, just need to know where to send them. Thank you for your help!

On a simple side note you guys should really let the coop'd player get access to the trophy list while playing smile. My friend was super bummed out that he gets 0 trophy progress for playing the entire game with me from start to finish. That's a minor inconvenience compared to above though.
