Originally Posted by Ayvah
We'll see.

Yeah, to me it looks good on paper, but of course we'll see how it goes ^^

Personally, I don't really like most attribute systems in RPGs, including D:OS, as I prefer to decide attributes at the beginning of the game and then it's somewhat fixed. I hate the galore of bonuses on gear. Let's say I create a 8 strength figther at the start of a game. Ends up at 22 strength at the end of the game: what does that even mean??

I've thought about mixing the trait and the attribute system, and also get rid of the strength/dexterity/intelligence trinity (However, this requires to balance all skills. Which is far from being the case in D:OS).
Something like this:

Energic (+% raw damage/healing on skills)
Lucky (+%critical chance and %critical damage/healing on skills)

Switfy (more AP)
Resilient (-%cooldown on skills)

Efficient (+%area and %duration of skills)
Versatile (it's the Memory stats: more Skills available at once)

Although I'm not sure the trade-offs must absolutely paired like this, you could just put everything at 5, and to give in one stat you must take from any other. Max 10 in one stat.

Last edited by Chrest; 23/08/16 12:05 PM.