/!\ Item Collecting Bug /!\

So yeah, hello everyone! And thanks Sabine for sending me the link to the forum ;)

The bug I encountered is a pretty big one! I did an elf ranger, and when I went to collect gold in chests and other containers, I got the animation at the Character Portrait where the GOLD is sent to her inventory. But it never showed up in the inventory! so I lost all the gold I could get in the beginning of the game to buy better items. It happened each time I used the ''take all'' option. I don't remember double-clicking the gold, so maybe it's only affecting the ''take all'' option.

So yeah, that's the bug, which is a big bug in my opinion in terms of gameplay for players!

Happy to report it to get the game even better! ;)

So far, hard to understand what's going on everywhere! Like the animals getting contaminated sometimes, the apparition of diseases, fire and ''black roots'' from the ground makes it really hard, but interesting!

Really enjoying it so far! Keep up the good work Larian Crew!