Originally Posted by Darkraign
There was no point in OS1 where you ever needed BiS gear. The gear you found may not have been the best but it was more than enough.
In OS2 you get not enough loot. It feels like OS1 gave like double or triple the amount -> better chance of something good or atleast usable.
What we need is just a bit more loot and not the ability to choose the stats ourselves.
But i would like to see some changes in how the stats are rolled on the items.
First remove durability and by this indestructible ( its worthless ).
DO not roll Strength or Finesse if there is a Intelligence roll ( same for the other too. If there is Finesse i dont need Intelligence ). Nobody needs Strength/Intelligence Hybrid items. If i want to play Hybrid i take 1 Strength item and 1 Intelligence item. For pure characters + Endurance or + Memory would be way better -> less trash equipment.

I agree with your point that OS1 never needed BiS gear, but I disagree that you don't get enough loot in OS2. You're in a weird prison camp on an island, being dominated by the magisters. It makes sense that you wouldn't get good equipment there. However, once you escape the prison, and as you go traipsing through various explorable locations, the loot you get magnifies. I ended chapter 1 just now, I spent 90% of my gold on buying skills for my characters, and the other 10% on gear to fill out gaps I still had or get gear that was a massive upgrade. Overall, the gear you get once you leave is really good. I had very little instances of getting gear that wasn't suited to ANY of my party members. And if it wasn't I sold it for something that was, the volume of loot you get overall is more than enough to buy stuff you need (I didn't steal anything). You don't need to keep up with gear EVERY time you level. Every couple of levels getting an upgrade is more than enough.