Originally Posted by Tuco

Anyway, my issue with it goes beyond scarcity (I actually like scarce loot in principle, WHEN every major finding feels rewarding) or overall difficulty.
My main gripe is that "randomized items" to me don't feel "always different and interesting" as some love to claim. Quite the opposite: they always feel generic and unexciting (yes, even when powerful).

Do people actually react like "Wow, how exciting! Another Sword of the [Random Animal] with the same exact stats of the previous one but 10 more damage points!". Does it actually offer the"thrill of unpredictability" to anyone?
Honestly I'd take the Baldur's Gate II approach of having common equipment, magic items and rare powerful artifacts carefully designed and hand-placed across the entire game over the the Diablo-like model of "Enemies constantly drop random shit and sometimes it could even good!"

First because items with unique aesthetic and powers (and maybe even a lore) are more interesting, second because I simply don't like to loot "random stuff in random places".
I like to find my treasures where it makes sense.

If I loot crates in a poor area of the town I don't want to find gems, if I kill animals I don't want them to drop weapons (unless there's a very good explanation for it), if I find a well hidden (or heavily guarded) chest I don't want the quality of its content to be up to a strike of luck, if I kill a major antagonist using a powerful sword I don't want equal chances to loot from him a bow or a wand, etc, etc.

This is good too. But handcrafted loot might be too much to ask - still, I hope they stick the unique items where they belong (I loved bracus' axe in D:OS) and have more of them.