Now that we have companions with their own origin stories and unique dialogue with NPCs, I find it weird that it's very possible you'll miss a unique interaction for certain characters simply because you never knew that option was there. For example: In the Witch Cave, there's a dialogue option in which Lohse recites words of the Black Ring while the others do not have any unique dialogue with the Witch at all. In future updates, I know there will be more dialogue which involves unique dialogue with specific characters and I'm worried I'll miss those opportunities by initiating dialogue with the wrong character. I think it'd be really accommodating if there was a dialogue system like that of Wasteland 2 in which you can choose/change at any time which character/companion will talk throughout the conversation or a dialogue system which allows companions to interject into a conversation so you can see their dialogues options too instead of having the dialogue locked to a single character throughout a conversation.