First of all: Is your main char something very special (like Baldurs Gate) or are all party members equal (like NWN2 Storm of Zehir)?

In BG, you are the bhaalspawn and the story is mostly about you. In that case it makes no sense to chose answers for other party members and you cannot play the game with Minsc as main char.

In D:OS2 you have (at the moment) 4 pre generated chars. You can select any of them or a custom char as main char and all the pre generated chars you did not select as main char can join your party. Since your main char can be any char, I consider all party members as equal so each one of them has the same right to talk in a dialogue. This means I agree to the suggestion of LordCrash.

I like to have the option to hide the tags in dialogue, but you should see who of your party members is speaking.

example: The red prince and sebille are in your party and an elf runs to you.
elf: "Please help me, I excaped the Lizard who wanted to torture me.
[Sebille] *Suggest that you kill the lizard and bring his head to the elf so he can eat it and gain his former masters strengh*
[Red Prince] *knock out the elf, return him to his master and tell him to punish the elf and get better locks for the slave cells*

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: